Dr Ben Coorey is a leading expert in parametric modeling and is the Founder and CEO of Archistar.ai
With a passion in the integration of design and computation, in 2014 Dr. Ben received a PhD in Architecture and Technology and is a registered Architect in NSW, Australia. He has worked for a number of prestigious international architectural firms and his extensive research has been published in multiple international journals.
He has presented at a range of conferences across Hong Kong, Singapore, San Francisco, and Australia and has lectured at UTS, UNSW, Sydney University, and the University of Melbourne in advanced design systems.

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This learning platform is world class. Our first and second-year students are now producing work previously only reserved for Masters-level students.

If you want to get ideas out of your brain and into 3D design, or even to 3D printing like me, this is the place to go.

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I really enjoyed the videos, they are so clear and easy to understand. So amazing to see what can be done with Rhino!

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